HomeMiscellaneousList Of Foods To Avoid With Ovarian Cysts

List Of Foods To Avoid With Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian cysts are very common in women, and in most cases, their nature is not dangerous. Here we discuss the list of foods to avoid with ovarian cysts. However, if an ovarian cyst ruptures, it can cause severe symptoms. To avoid complications and discard the hypothesis that it may be a tumor-like lesion, it is necessary to know the symptoms of ovarian cysts and what are the most effective treatments.

list of foods to avoid with ovarian cysts

The ovarian cysts are small fluid-filled sacs that may develop within or on the surface of the ovaries.

Generally, they do not represent a real danger to the health of those affected, as they form and reabsorb on their own, without any therapeutic intervention.

However, there are cases in which ovarian cysts increase excessively in volume until they rupture and bleed, thus causing internal bleeding.

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Finally, in some cases, an ovarian cyst may indicate the presence of an ovarian tumor. To know the nature of ovarian cysts, it is necessary to undergo a gynecological examination.

However, it is important to know when ovarian cysts occur most frequently and with which symptoms in order to intervene in the right way.

The treatments are, in fact different, ovarian cysts often heal spontaneously but, in the case of large cysts or in the case of ovarian cancer, surgery and other specific treatments are required.

What Are Ovarian Cysts?

An ovarian cyst is an abnormal formation that consists of a sac filled with fluid that develops in the ovaries, internally or externally, that is, the glands of the reproductive system that are symmetrically located at the ends of the uterus.

At different times of life, a woman may develop one or more ovarian cysts.

In most cases, these are harmless cysts that heal spontaneously; in fact, ovarian cysts are often physiological and linked to the menstrual cycle. In fact, ovarian cysts are divided into:

  • functional ovarian cysts, the most common related to physiological changes in a woman’s body;
  • pathological ovarian cysts, which can arise from different causes and be more or less dangerous.

The Causes Of Ovarian Cysts

If the ovarian cysts are functional and therefore of a physiological nature, they are not caused by specific pathologies and should not worry.

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In other cases, however, the causes that lead to the formation of ovarian cysts can be traced to certain pathologies:

  • Benign tumors, such as in the case of cystadenomas. These are serious or mucinous ovarian cysts which only in very rare cases turn into malignant tumors;
  • endometriosis, the endometriosis ovarian cyst which is a sac filled with blood and which causes pain and discomfort, especially in the event of a rupture;
  • Polycystic ovary, in the presence of ovarian polycystic small cysts, appears filled with fluid.

Ovarian Cyst: Symptoms

As already mentioned above, most ovarian cysts are benign formations, typical of the fertile age but also present in premenopause and menopause, which disappear independently within a few months, resulting totally asymptomatic.

In fact, it is not uncommon for a woman to notice the phenomenon only during a normal routine gynecological examination.

However, problems arise in the presence of an excessive volumetric increase in the cyst and its subsequent rupture. In this case, more or less serious symptoms may occur, leading to real emergency situations.

The Common symptoms of ovarian cysts are:

  • Constant urge to urinate or bladder tenesmus
  • Abdominal heaviness
  • Nausea, vomiting and difficulty digesting
  • Breast tension
  • Pain during a bowel movement or intestinal tension
  • Spotting, i.e. vaginal bleeding outside the menstrual cycle
  • Irregular menstrual cycle
  • Pelvic pain felt just before your period starts and disappears just before your period ends
  • Pelvic pain that radiates to the lower back and thighs
  • Dyspareunia, or pain during sexual intercourse
  • Pressure on the bladder or rectum

Nutrition For Ovarian Cysts

Diet with an ovarian cyst includes not only avoiding harmful foods but also based on several basic principles:

  1. Fractionality that is, dividing food into 5-6 meals, 3 of which are the main ones (breakfast, lunch, dinner), the rest are snacks. Such a nutritional system will maintain a high level of metabolism and accelerate metabolic processes in the body.
  2. Drinking enough clean water (juices, soda, coffee are not included). There is a lot of controversy about exactly how much water you should drink per day. Most doctors agree that at least 1.5 liters. Strong tea, coffee, caffeinated drinks (Coca-Cola, energy drinks) contain methylxanthine, which retains fluid in the cyst, thereby increasing its size. Therefore, it is so important to drink plain pure water without additives.
  3. Balance of food that is high content of useful vitamins, minerals, and trace elements that take part in cellular metabolism.
  4. It is necessary to ensure that a sufficient amount of fiber (fruits, vegetables) is present in the diet. Since it can cause difficulties in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, fiber will interfere with this.
  5. The hormonal background of a woman is also associated with the work of the liver, kidneys, adrenal glands, and gallbladder. A large intake of fatty foods, too spicy or salty, disrupts the work of these organs, thereby causing an imbalance of hormones. Therefore, you should exclude such food from the diet, or at least reduce its amount.
  6. The preferred cooking methods are cooking and baking in the oven.

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What Foods To Avoid With Ovarian Cysts

  1. It is necessary to limit drinks with a high content of sugar, dyes and harmful additives, replacing them with clean water or green tea.
  2. Alcohol should be completely abandoned, as it has a toxic effect on liver cells and disrupts the water-lipid balance in the body.
  3. Foods with a high glycemic index are also on the ban list. The glycemic index shows how quickly a product is absorbed by the body. If this figure is high, then there are jumps in sugar and the production of insulin in large quantities. Insulin is also a hormone, so a kind of hormonal disruption occurs. These products include everything sweet (except for fruits, they can be consumed), bakery products.
  4. Fast food products, which include traditional fast food (food in appropriate establishments), as well as products that do not need to be cooked: chips, crackers, instant noodles, convenience foods, canned food, and so on.
  5. All smoked products (sausages) are also on the ban list.

There is a list of harmful additives that act as preservatives, colourants and flavour enhancers in the composition of products. These include:

  • Tartrazine E 102;
  • Amazing E123;
  • Boric acid E284;
  • Quillaja E999 extract;
  • Sodium tetracarbonate E285;
  • Gluconic acid E574;
  • Erythrosine E127;
  • Polydextrose E1200;
  • Tin chloride E512 and a number of others.

When choosing food products, you should pay attention to their composition. If it contains the specified components, you should refuse to purchase such products.

The complete elimination of these products from the diet is recommended only if there is such a doctor’s prescription. This article is only talking about the prohibition of systematic use. Diet with an ovarian cyst will not be disturbed if you allow yourself a one-time weakness.


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