HomeDisease PreventionHow to Know if You Have Precordial Catch Syndrome (PCS)

How to Know if You Have Precordial Catch Syndrome (PCS)


Precordial Catch Syndrome
Precordial Catch Syndrome

How to know if you have Precordial Catch Syndrome? Look for the below mentioned PCS signs.

You could be concerned that you have a significant heart or lung condition if you have a sudden, acute discomfort in your chest. However, if the pain goes away almost as quickly as it arrived and you don’t have any other symptoms, it can be precordial catch syndrome, a mild illness.

Children, teenagers, and adults generally in good health are typically affected by the pains, which are not accompanied by any other symptoms. Even though PCS can be frightening, it is not severe and will go away on its own in a few minutes or less. Although chest pain can be abrupt and decisive, it doesn’t have a lasting negative effect.

Precordial Catch Syndrome

Precordial catch syndrome (PCS), also referred to as Texidor’s Twinge, is a disorder that causes a sudden onset and short disappearance of intense pain in the ribcage. Children and teenagers who are otherwise healthy develop PCS.

The upper left side of the ribs is a common location for this searing, intense pain that makes breathing difficult. The good news is that the discomfort typically subsides on its own in the short term, even though it’s speculated that it might be related to chest wall-lining nerve discomfort. After age 20, the syndrome is substantially less frequent. Period and poses no health risks.

Symptoms of Precordial catch syndrome

1. Sudden Pain in Chest

A sudden, sharp chest pain that usually centres on the upper left side of the ribcage, close to the heart, is the only sign of PCS. The pain is localised, lasts only a few minutes (or less), and disappears on its own. Deeply breathing may hurt when the pain is present. Some people start breathing quickly and shallowly to block out the discomfort.

2. Feeling Dizziness

When you move or take deep breaths, the discomfort could feel worse. You could choose to remain still and breathe through your mouth when you’re in agony. You can begin to feel dizzy if you don’t breathe deeply for a while. That doesn’t directly represent a precordial catch syndrome. It occurs as a result of your breathing pattern. 

Precordial catch syndrome pain often goes away after 30 to 3 minutes of discomfort. Some folks could experience it for up to 30 minutes. You should immediately resume feeling normal once the pain subsides. The sole symptom you should have is intense pain.

Varying people may experience pain at different intensities. 

Some people say the pain is bothersome, painful, or dull. Others report excruciating, stabbing pain that can briefly impair eyesight in scarce circumstances. PCS pain frequently strikes when a kid or adolescent is at rest or engaged in very light exercise. The pain could occur simply once or several times throughout the day. No other PCS symptoms. PCS is not related to any illnesses or physical abnormalities and has no long-term adverse effects on health.

Children and young adults who are generally healthy frequently develop PCS. Children experiencing PCS may describe the pain as piercing, needle-like, or sharp. When your child is sleeping, the discomfort could come on abruptly and worsen if they breathe deeply. It comes and goes swiftly. Although it may occur in different areas of the chest or ribs, the discomfort is frequently concentrated on the left side of the chest, directly below the left nipple (near the heart). Since PCS only has pain as a symptom, it frequently goes undetected or untreated. PCS, fortunately, has no side effects or long-term consequences on health.

Diagnosis of Precordial catch syndrome

If you visit a doctor, they will examine you physically and inquire about your symptoms and medical background. You might not require any tests if they’re confident you don’t have any further symptoms or risk factors for another ailment. 

Your doctor may request an ultrasound or an X-ray if they suspect there may be another issue. Before diagnosing PCS, your doctor will first rule out more serious diseases that might cause chest pain. This entails performing a comprehensive physical examination, hearing the heart and lungs, and feeling the chest area for any discomfort.

The medical history of your child will also be discussed with your doctor. In every instance, the pain is fully and swiftly relieved. Although the precise aetiology is uncertain, it is hypothesised that it may be brought on by a nerve being pinched and may result from an intercostal muscular spasm. Additionally, there is a link between PCS and stress and anxiety.

Treatment of Precordial catch syndrome

1. Doctor Medication

In most cases, they will perform a physical examination of the chest, feeling for any pain and listening to the heart and lungs. 

Precordial catch syndrome is quite prevalent and is entirely safe. Most of the time, a doctor won’t need to order any tests to make the diagnosis. 

Treatment is unnecessary for PCS because the pain will go away on its own and has no long-term effects on health. 

When pain strikes, there are certain things you can do at home to assist in reducing discomfort, especially for kids. Precordial catch syndrome pain will subside on its own. Therefore, special care is typically not required. 

Doctors may suggest over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication to help with pain relief.

2. Exercise 

Furthermore, it could be beneficial to calm down, take steady breaths, and sit up straight instead of slouching or hunching over. Precordial catch syndrome can sometimes be alleviated by taking a deep breath; however, doing so may come with sharp, intense pain. Precordial catch syndrome is most commonly treated with shallow breathing until the pain subsides. Additionally, reassuring others that the disease is not dangerous could be helpful. 

3. Practising Breathing Technique

Encourage calm breathing because, for some patients, after taking a slow, deep breath—even though it hurts at the time—the discomfort goes away. Since not everyone can do this, if your child won’t take deep breaths, you can instruct them to concentrate on taking gentle, tiny breaths instead.

Moreover, Aide them in rising, and Try to encourage your youngster to unwind and adjust their posture from slumped or bent to sitting or standing erect. Guide the child to sit up straight with their shoulders back to help avoid PCS.

Lastly, attempt medication because your doctor could suggest anti-inflammatory medication if your child or adolescent has PCS on frequent foundation to help with the discomfort immediately. OTC anti-inflammatory medicines are common at your community pharmacy. Also, calm their fears. Encouraging your child that these circumstances are harmless and will pass quickly may also be helpful. 

It can facilitate the kid’s concern and assist their growth, which powers and hasten the pain’s healing.


Before diagnosing PCS, your doctor will first rule out more serious diseases that might cause chest pain. This entails performing a comprehensive physical examination, hearing the heart and lungs, and feeling the chest area for any discomfort. Your doctor will also inquire about your child’s medical history and underlying health issues. 

Suppose someone’s child is showing any of the following symptoms. In that case, I suggest you talk to your child’s pediatrician about them or seek medical assistance because they could signal more serious cardiac issues.

Further testing could be requested if the doctor suspected a factor other than PCS. Further testing is not required if PCS has been identified in your child. Get a piece of independent advice from a different physician if your doctor diagnoses PCS and recommends testing to make sure the tests are indeed necessary.

In conclusion, PCS is a self-limited form of chest discomfort that often only manifests during rest and isn’t accompanied by other symptoms. Suppose your child suffers pain when exercising combined with palpitations, light-headedness, or fainting. In that case, it’s essential to rule out other cardiac conditions such as cardiomyopathies, coronary artery abnormalities, or rhythm problems. Cardiologists are alert to exercise-related symptoms such as chest discomfort, palpitations, dizziness, and fainting. 

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