Important EventsNational infertility awareness week 2023

National Infertility Awareness Week is a significant event observed every year to raise awareness about infertility and empower those struggling with infertility to seek the necessary support and treatment options.

This year RESOLVE: The National Infertility Organization will organize the awareness week from April 23 to April 29. Like every year, this year also Thousands of Americans will join the event who wants to break barriers and want to build a family.  In this article, we will discuss the history and importance of this week, the common myths and misconceptions about infertility, and how will you join the events to make it successful.

National infertility awareness week 2023
National infertility awareness week 2023

The History of Infertility

Let us understand how the concept of infertility was changed throughout the years from ancient times to the modern era.

Infertility has been a concern for couples throughout human history, and this was no different in the period of early Roman civilization. During this time, the understanding of health and fertility was limited and heavily influenced by religious beliefs, and superstitions.

At the time of Greek civilization, their understanding of health and fertility was influenced by the works of physicians and philosophers like Hippocrates. They recognized that both men and women could be responsible for fertility problems and the main cause of infertility is obesity.

Scottish obstetrician William Smellie, often referred to as the father of British midwifery, was a pioneering figure in the field of obstetrics during the 18th century. His emphasis on evidence-based practices and hands-on training for midwives played a crucial role in shaping the field of obstetrics and improving maternal and infant outcomes during childbirth. He made significant contributions to the understanding of childbirth and the fertilization process through his research, experiments, and teachings.

Throughout history, women have often been unfairly blamed for infertility. From ancient times to the present, societal misconceptions and a lack of understanding about the complex nature of fertility have led to women being disproportionately held responsible for the inability to conceive.

Modern advancements in medical science and technology have improved our understanding of infertility, its causes, and treatment options. However, the emotional, social, and financial challenges associated with infertility continue to persist for many couples.

Why Infertility Awareness is important?

First Educating the public about infertility, its causes, and available treatment options is important.  NIAW aims to educate the public about infertility, its prevalence, and the various treatment options available. Raising awareness helps to dispel misconceptions and provide accurate information to those who may be experiencing fertility issues.

Another important factor is Debunking myths and misconceptions surrounding infertility, thereby reducing the stigma in the people. Infertility is often surrounded by stigma and misconceptions, causing individuals and couples to feel isolated or ashamed. NIAW works to break down these barriers by promoting open conversations about fertility struggles and encouraging support for those affected.

Another factor is Advocating for improved access to fertility treatments and insurance coverage. NIAW provides a platform for advocacy, allowing people to share their stories and experiences, while also drawing attention to the need for better access to fertility treatments and insurance coverage. This advocacy can lead to improved policies and support systems for those facing infertility.

Foundation of National Infertility Awareness Week

RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association is a non-profit organization founded in 1989 in the United States. Its mission is to improve the lives of individuals and couples affected by infertility through support, education, advocacy, and awareness. National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW) is commemorated annually during the last week of April by RESOLVE. RESOLVE will rally the infertility community and give peer-led support to couples dealing with infertility. They also provide a safe space for people to share their experiences, gain emotional support, and learn from others who have faced similar challenges.

How can you celebrate National Infertility Awareness Week 2023?

National Infertility Awareness Week 2023 is a great opportunity to raise awareness, offer support, and celebrate the resilience of those facing fertility challenges. Here are some ways to get involved and celebrate.

1. Social Media Campaign:

UseYourVoice Niaw campaign

NIAW is all about empowering people and changing the conversation.  Social Media is one of the ways to join with them.

Sl No.DayDateCampaign Name
1.23rd April 2023Sunday
2.24th April 2023Monday#VoicesofInfertility
3.25th April 2023Tuesday#UseYourVoice
4.26th April 2023Wednesday#WearOrange
5.27th April 2023Thursday#VoicesofSupport
6.28th April 2023Friday#VoicesofSupport
7.29th April 2023Saturday

A. 5 days challenge:

  1. 24th April 2023 celebrated as #VoicesofInfertility

Share your truth on social media that represents what it’s like to face barriers to access treatment, live without children, adoption, surrogacy, and 3rd party family building.

  • 25th April 2023 celebrated as #UseYourVoice

Share How do you plan to #UseYourVoice?  You can talk to lawmakers by attending RESOLVE’s Advocacy Day.

  • 26th April 2023 celebrated as # #WearOrange

Dress all orange to help show support and raise awareness during National Infertility Awareness Week.

  • 27th April 2023 celebrated as #VoicesofSupport

Discuss Where you pull your support from. It may be your friends, family, or relatives. Share their story with the world.

  • 29th April 2023 celebrated as #FindYourVoice

This year, NIAW has launched a campaign #FindYourVoice on social media. You can support someone with infertility with this campaign. By sharing your voice by #FindYourVoice, together we will let the world, media, know-how infertility, and legislation impact our family building.

B. #NIAW2023

You can share your voices and spread the word about NIAW with This #NIAW2023. By using this hashtag as much as possible, you can help the movement trend.

2. Host a fundraiser

Organize a fundraiser for a local or national infertility organization. This could be a charity walk, silent auction, or a virtual event to raise funds and support the cause.

Host an event, meet-up, or happy hour. For virtual events, host the event on Facebook or Instagram live. Challenge other people to support you by donating to RESOLVE. You can do any one of the following
A. Hosting an event.

  • Hosting Talent Show
  • Hosting Karaoke Night
  • Dressup or costume Party
  • Sip and Sew Class
  • Host a yoga, Art, or Dance class Online
  • Fort Building Competition
  • Host a Ted Talk-style event from your living room
  • Host a Netflix Watch party
  • Virtual Family Game night: Play card games
  • Perform A Family Music Concert
  • Teaching a cooking or Bake Class
  • Pie in the Face Fundraiser – Go Facebook Live

Click here to submit your Event for NIAW

B. Donation to Resolve

You can ask your friends, family, or relatives to donate to this great cause to RESOLVE. You can Donate by clicking the link (Donate to RESOLVE). Every donation counts. Email [email protected] with any questions about holding a fundraising event.

3. Wear Orange

Orange is the official color of National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW) because it symbolizes hope, warmth, and encouragement. The choice of orange aims to create a sense of unity and support for those affected by infertility. By wearing or displaying the color orange during NIAW, individuals and organizations can show their solidarity with the infertility community and raise awareness about the challenges faced by millions of people trying to build their families.

#WearOrange Campaign NIAW
#WearOrange Campaign NIAW

You can order your orange T-shirt from here. Click here to buy orange T-shirt for NIAW

4. Proclamation project

A proclamation in National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW) is an official statement or declaration made by a government or organization to recognize the importance of the event and its goals. Proclamations serve to raise awareness about infertility and encourage support for individuals and families experiencing fertility challenges.

Download Proclamation Project Template From here

5. Share NIAW Ideas with the world

The use of a dedicated image for National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW) is important. Images are visually engaging and can grab people’s attention more effectively than plain text. A captivating image can encourage viewers to learn more about NIAW and its goals.

Download NIAW 2023 Images

6. Attend Virtual Federal Advocacy Day

Advocacy Day offers a platform for individuals affected by infertility to share their stories and experiences with lawmakers. By joining others with similar concerns, you can amplify your voice and influence policy changes. By participating in a Virtual Federal Advocacy Day, you can help raise awareness about infertility and the need for supportive policies and legislation. RESOLVE Advocacy Day, in partnership with the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), is during NIAW on Tuesday, April 25th, 2023.

Click Here to Register for NIAW Federal Advocacy Day

7. Share Your Story with the World

Your story is important to the mission of spreading awareness during NIAW. Sharing your personal story during National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW) can be a powerful way to connect with others, raise awareness, and contribute to breaking the stigma surrounding infertility. Explain your fertility journey, including any diagnosis, treatments, and outcomes you have experienced. Providing context can help others understand your unique situation and offer support.

Click here to share your story with the World (NIAW)

Family Binding option During NIAW

During National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW), various family-building options are often discussed to help individuals and couples better understand their choices. Some of these options include:

A. Fertility treatments: There are several fertility treatments available, such as Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), and Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI). These treatments can help couples conceive using their own gametes or with the help of donors.

B. Donor eggs/sperm: For individuals who have issues with their own eggs or sperm, using donor eggs or sperm can be an option for conception. This involves selecting a donor and using their gametes in fertility treatments such as IVF or IUI.

C. Surrogacy: Surrogacy is an option for those who cannot carry a pregnancy themselves. A surrogate carries the baby on behalf of the intended parents, using either the intended parents’ gametes or donor gametes.

D. Gestational carriers: In this arrangement, the intended parents’ embryos are implanted into a gestational carrier, who carries the pregnancy to term. This option can be suitable for those who have challenges with their own uterus or who cannot carry a pregnancy for medical reasons.

E. Adoption: Adoption involves legally taking another person’s child into your family as your own. This can be a fulfilling way to build a family for individuals and couples who are unable to conceive or who prefer not to pursue fertility treatments.

F. Foster care: Becoming a foster parent involves providing a temporary, supportive home for children in need. Some foster care arrangements may lead to adoption, while others may be short-term placements.

G. Child-free living: Some individuals and couples decide to embrace a child-free lifestyle, focusing on other aspects of their lives such as careers, hobbies, travel, and relationships. This option can be a valid and fulfilling choice for those who cannot conceive or who choose not to pursue other family-building methods.


National Infertility Awareness Week is an essential event that raises awareness, combats stigma, and provides support to those affected by infertility. Understanding the causes, treatment options, and coping mechanisms empowers individuals and couples to make informed decisions about their family-building journey.

  1. When is National Infertility Awareness Week observed?

    National Infertility Awareness Week takes place annually during the last week of April. This year it will be celebrated from 23th April to 29th April 2023.

  2. What is the main purpose of National Infertility Awareness Week?

    The main goal is to raise awareness about infertility, debunk myths and misconceptions, and encourage those struggling with infertility to seek support and treatment options.

  3. What are some common causes of infertility?

    Infertility can result from age, lifestyle factors, or medical conditions such as PCOS, endometriosis, or hormonal imbalances.

  4. What are the different treatment options for infertility?

    Treatment options include fertility medications, assisted reproductive technologies (ART) like IVF and IUI, and lifestyle changes.

  5. How can I cope with the emotional challenges of infertility?

    Seek support from friends, family, or professional counselors, join support groups, and prioritize mental health.

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