Health Conditionshypercalcemia icd 10


The intricacies of Hypercalcemia ICD 10 Code is marked as E83.52 in the medical realm. Hypercalcemia, a medical condition characterized by elevated calcium levels in the blood, can result from various causes, including abnormal parathyroid gland function.

The ICD-10, standing for The International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, has evolved over the years to offer precise diagnostic codes, vital for patient care, medical research, and billing. Notably, the ICD-10-CM version of E83.52 became effective in the US from October 1, 2023, differing from other international versions.

This article dissected the various conditions linked with E83.52, such as Hypercalcemia , Burnett’s syndrome, Dementia, Familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia, and Milk-alkali disease. Each condition was briefly discussed, highlighting their causes, treatments, and the associated ICD-10-CM codes.

hypercalcemia icd 10
hypercalcemia icd 10


Have you ever encountered the term hypercalcemia in your day to day life? This medical tem might seem intricate, but by the end of this article, it will be as clear as daylight.

Are you acquainted with the ICD 10 medical codes specially when we are talking about hypercalcemia ? These codes isn’t just restricted to jumbled letters and numbers; they play a pivotal role in diagnosing various ailments.

Why are these ICD 10 codes consequential? And more specifically, why are they so paramount when it comes to diagnosing hypercalcemia?

I promise, by the time you reach the end of this piece, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of all things related to hypercalcemia icd 10. Not only will we delve deep into its theoretical aspects, but I will also illustrate its practical implications. Moreover, we will unravel how this code, seemingly just a blend of letters and numbers, can potentially hopeful for diagnosing hypercalcemia patients.

What is Hypercalcemia?

Hypercalcemia is a condition characterized by increased calcium levels in the blood stream, often exceeding the standard range. Typically, this occurs when there is an imbalance in the intricate system that manages calcium homeostasis in the body.

When there’s too much calcium circulating in your blood, it can lead to numerous complications. Excess calcium can cause kidney stones, interfere with heart and brain functions, and weaken bones, making them more susceptible to fractures.

A significant influencer of calcium levels in the body is the parathyroid glands. These tiny glands situated behind the thyroid gland produce parathyroid hormone (PTH), which plays a pivotal role in calcium regulation. When there’s a malfunction or an enlargement (hyperplasia) of these glands, it can lead to an overproduction of PTH, subsequently increasing calcium levels in the blood, resulting in hypercalcemia.

For individuals, the implications of hypercalcemia are far-reaching. It’s not just a standalone ailment; it’s often indicative of underlying medical issues.

Hypercalcemia can be a symptom of certain cancers, particularly breast and lung cancer or cancers that affect the bones. Furthermore, it can be associated with other medical disorders, including hyperparathyroidism and certain types of kidney disorders, adding layers of complexity to the patient’s overall health scenario. In essence, hypercalcemia isn’t just about high calcium levels; it’s a telltale sign that warrants comprehensive medical attention.

What is ICD 10 Medical Code?

Over the years, the medical community has consistently sought better ways to standardize disease classifications and health conditions. The ICD 10, or The International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, is one such outcome of these relentless endeavors, evolving continuously to adapt to the latest medical knowledge and findings.

In today’s medical landscape, the ICD 10 stands as a universal standard for diagnosing and categorizing diseases. It’s a compendium that facilitates clear communication among healthcare providers globally, ensuring that a disease or condition is uniformly recognized and treated irrespective of geographic or linguistic differences.

For the U.S. healthcare sector, there are two primary versions of the ICD 10 – the ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS. The ICD-10-CM, which stands for the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification, is predominantly used for diagnosis coding. On the other hand, ICD-10-PCS, the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Procedure Coding System, is an American system employed for inpatient hospital procedure coding.

The utilization of ICD-10-PCS is crucial for many aspects of the healthcare system. It aids in billing processes, ensuring accurate reimbursement for services rendered, and is pivotal for data collection, research, and overall health policy formulation.

Globally, the international community, including WHO member states, has endorsed and adopted these codes, cementing their position as a universal language in healthcare.

Hypercalcemia ICD 10 Code

Now, I’ll share with you the specific ICD 10 code associated with Hypercalcemia. This will provide clarity for both healthcare professionals and patients alike.

For starters, when diagnosing Hypercalcemia, especially in cases like Familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia, the ICD-10-CM code E83.52 is employed. This code isn’t just random numbers and letters; it’s a billable and specific code. In simpler terms, it signifies that this code can be leveraged for reimbursement purposes, ensuring that healthcare services are accurately accounted for.

But here’s an essential distinction: the code I’m referencing is the American ICD-10-CM version of E83.52. This became the standard starting from October 1, 2023. For those collaborating or consulting with international health entities, be aware that versions of the ICD-10 E83.52 might differ based on regional adaptations.

Now, let’s present a broader spectrum. Hypercalcemia isn’t the only condition with a unique ICD 10 code. To offer a more comprehensive understanding, I’ve arranged a table to represent some related codes:

Serial No.Symptoms/CategoriesICD-10 Code Range
1Disorders of thyroid glandE00-E07
2Diabetes mellitusE08-E13
3Other disorders of glucose regulationE15-E16
4Disorders of other endocrine glandsE20-E35
5Intraoperative complicationsE36-E36
7Other nutritional deficienciesE50-E64
8Overweight & hyperalimentationE65-E68
9Metabolic disordersE70-E88
10Postprocedural complicationsE89-E89

For those who’ve been in the medical profession for a while, you might recall the days when Hypercalcemia’s code under the ICD-9-CM was ICD-9-CM 275.42. Though we’ve transitioned from that, it’s always useful to be aware of historical codes to appreciate how far we’ve come in medical coding and diagnostics.

Medical Conditions refers to ICD-10-CM E83.52

As we continue our exploration of the ICD-10-CM E83.52 code, it’s essential to understand the various syndromes and conditions linked to it. In this section, I’ll introduce you to some medical conditions, providing insights into their causes and treatments.

Burnett’s syndrome

Burnett’s syndrome, also known as Milk-Alkali syndrome, arises due to excessive intake of calcium and alkaline substances. Over time, this can lead to renal failure and metabolic alkalosis. Fortunately, the treatment primarily involves stopping calcium intake and, in some cases, administering IV fluids. For documentation and medical billing purposes, this condition falls under the ICD-10-CM range E83.52.


Dementia represents a group of cognitive disorders that impair memory, thinking, and behavior. Its causes vary, with Alzheimer’s disease being a primary factor. Early intervention, cognitive therapies, and certain medications can slow its progression. When coding for Dementia, healthcare professionals typically use the ICD-10-CM range F03.90.

Familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia

Familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia is a rare inherited condition. It leads to elevated calcium levels in the blood due to abnormal calcium sensing in the kidneys. Treatment can be complex, often focusing on monitoring rather than intervention, unless severe. This disorder’s specific code is ICD-10-CM E83.51.

Milk-alkali disease

Milk-alkali disease is closely related to Burnett’s syndrome. It emerges from prolonged ingestion of calcium carbonate, commonly found in antacids. The condition can cause renal insufficiency and metabolic alkalosis. Treatment involves discontinuing the calcium carbonate intake and managing the resulting symptoms. It is also categorized under the ICD-10-CM range E83.52.


Understanding the nuances of medical conditions and their respective ICD-10-CM codes is fundamental for both healthcare professionals and patients. Hypercalcemia ICD 10 Code, designated as E83.52, not only aids in the accurate diagnosis and treatment of conditions like Burnett’s syndrome and Milk-alkali disease, but it also streamlines the medical billing process.

This ensures efficient healthcare delivery and aids in medical research, leading to potential advancements in treatments. As we’ve delved into the myriad of conditions associated with E83.52, it’s clear that such classifications, although intricate, play a crucial role in modern medicine. By continually updating and refining these codes, the global healthcare community can ensure precision in diagnosis and enhance the quality of patient care.

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